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Created 7-Mar-11
Modified 6-Apr-23
Visitors 849
132 photos

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Chainsaw (T063) with Coal Docks and TsawwassenChainsaw (T063) and B.C.Orca Whales and Coal DocksChainsaw (T063) And Canadian RockiesChainsaw (T063) in the Strait of GeorgiaSteller Sea Lion Eating an Octopus 1Steller Sea Lion Eating an Octopus 2Steller Sea Lion Eating an Octopus 3Bald Eagle with Fish 1Bald Eagle with Fish 2Transient Orca Lineup in the San Juan IslandsWhooo's watching who?Fox and Short-eared Owl at South BeachShort-eared Owl Approaching FoxFox on a RockOrca ExhaleOrca Exhale 2Orcas In The Mist 4Orcas In The Mist 3Orcas In The Mist 2